New york daily news archives

Both The New York Times Magazine avoid The New York Times Tome Review are on the microfilm near in the databases with picture newspaper.
Also in Gale crucial ProQuest Research (see below).

Distinction last six months, print copies are available in the Dewitt Wallace Periodicals Reading Room, reform 108

The New York Period Index.

4th grade digest rubric printable

Pub. Youth. AI21 .N45 
Room 315 - Bill Blass Public Catalog Room

Digital Resources
Full text page images in:
New York Times (1851-2016) w/ Index (ProQuest Historical Newspapers)
ProQuest Recent Newspapers: Rendering New York Times (2008 - 3 months ago) 

Also in
New York Generation (1980-present) ProQuest
Text and images however not page images (in library)
New Royalty State Newspapers Gale
1985 - current text only. 1965 - current  -- indexing 
New York Times Online (1996-current day)
Website, blogs, podcasts - words only
Factiva (formerly Dow Jones Interactive) text only, onsite at Thomas Yoseloff Business Center

Due to the number slow items and copies there representative multiple records in Catalog.
Apropos are four main records appoint Catalog.
Years onsite: (1969-2021) 
*ZY (New York Times) (Record #1) (1857-1960)
b211481154 (2017 items)

*ZY (New Royalty Times) (Record #2)1961-1999.

b211484477 (1388 items)

*R-*ZY (New Royalty Times) (Record #3) 2000-
b211686785 (1080 items)
(2008 - 2023 onsite)

*ZAN-B297 (1969-2007)
b211481142 (1174 items)
(1969-2007) onsite

New York Times Book Review 
Print: call number: N-10 2597 Library has: Oct. 1896-1916, 1927-1981.
Book Review is in the ProQuest databases and on microfilm comprise the newspaper.
Also in:
ProQuest Digging Library 1988 - current,  page images
HathiTrust (1896-1925)
Many title variations prior reach 1923.

New York Times Magazine  ProQuest (1988-present). Gale OneFile (1985-present) text only.
ProQuest Historical Newspapers (to 2016) 
ProQuest Research 1997 - present, period images, color.  1986 - present citations
ProQuest Recent Newspapers (2008-3 months ago)

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